Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My day off

I had my only day off today. It was a great day. We bought a new car. I'm all excited about it. It's a 2008 Mazda CX-9 with all the trimmings. I'm so extremely exicted about that car. I kinda want to sleep in it. lol. I'll have to upload pics soon. The buying process made me late for my hair appointment, but I got to reschedule it.

I went to the salon today and got my hair redone. I love this stylist. She knows exactly what will look good. I love the blonde hair she gave me. My hair even looks awesome when I leave. It's silky smooth and just gorgeous.

I really don't want to return to work tomorrow. Although, I am getting up early for lunch and shopping with a girl from post. It should be fun. It's finally time I start making friends and getting out of this stinky house more.

On another good note, my meds aren't making me sick anymore. I'm finally getting use to them. Although, the thyroxin still makes me a mean lady. Patrick is still being great about the whole thing. He's being extremely supportive of everything for me so I couldn't be happier with him.

I finally think I got the school thing figured out. I sent off everything I need to process the application so I'm just waiting for the reply. I'm excited to be finishing school and getting my BSN. So heres to good times to come!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Feeling a bit invisible

I'm not sure why, but I feel invisible to the world. I've been trying to make friends around here, but my work schedule gets in the way. When I try to set something up that works for me, nobody wants to do anything. I wonder if it's just me or if there is something about me. The message board doesn't help any. It's not big, yet I feel like I speak to a wall, or that people just don't care. I'm thinking about cutting all ties anymore because it wouldn't be any different from my life now. Wake up, eat, spend time with husband, go to work, come home, sit around waiting for husband to get home, go to bed, do it all over again. *Sigh* Just another day I guess.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

More appointments

My doctor has finally called. I have the PCOS diagnosis and a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. I was put on two new medications, metformin and levothyroxin. The metformin is normal to treat diabetes, but I'm using it to promote ovulation. The other is pretty obvious.

Since starting the metformin I've felt so sick to my stomach I feel like I'm going to vomit my stomach up. Thats only the half of it. It's also making my tired and exhaused. I've missed work 1 1/2 days so far the past two weeks. I try not to, but being the only one in charge of the store at night time, I can't just leave to vomit.

The thyroxin makes my moods go all over the place. My poor husband is probably so frustrated with me right now because I can't decide what kind of mood I'm in from one minute to the next. He's been very patient, which isn't like him. It's a nice difference.

Ontop of everything going on lately, I developed a UTI. Which is just peachy. I got medication on Saturday and started feeling a little better. The day before my last pill, the symptoms were back full force. I tried getting appointments, but I couldn't get in because of the unavailability and it not working with my work schedule. Finally, after three days of trying I seen a doctor today. She told me that she's giving a seven day treatment to me this time instead of the three day I had before. If this doesn't work I have to go back and go through more testing. I've apparently had three UTI's in the past six months. I'm just hoping this all works out, and it's all worth it. I'm so tired of being sick at this point.

Patrick is finally going back to night shift, so we can actually see eachother now. It'll be a nice change. He's been on days since January and I always work nights. My luck, I will start working during the day. Time will only tell though.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Anger doesn't even begin to describe it

Yesterday was the day they were suppose to talk to this girl at work. They talked to her alright, and let her keep her station. They told her she has five weeks to straighten up and they spelled out exactly the way management has to act at work. I was so pissed about it. When my opinion was asked I told the store manager flat out how I felt. I told him that by letter her keep her station at work he sets the bar of professionalism so low that it doesn't mean much to be in management. Looking back I know it seems rather harsh and uncalled for, but my anger and many other feelings totally got into the way. I felt betrayed. I trusted him to be on my side here and have my back because when she isn't doing her job my job suffers. He lied to me about what he was going to do also. That just put the icing on the cake for me. I can respect anyone in management, but I cannot respect a liar. This isn't the first time they have had to speak to her about how to act, yet she still gets to keep it. I'm pretty sure if any person acted like that they would either 1) be fired 2)be demoted or 3)never get promoted in the first place. I guess I just have to deal with it...