Thursday, February 25, 2010

The epitome of lazy

That about sums up one of my co-workers. I have never seen such lazyness in my life and still this person believes she is entitled to something. You have got to be kidding me.

This girl, we will call her L, that I work with always has a problem. There is always an attitude problem, and she was insanly pissed when I got promoted and she didn't. Well management decided to give her a chance to step up and hopefully do the job she so badly wants. Well it's been nothing but problems. Long breaks, 10 min bathroom breaks etc. Last night she told the front end manager she didn't want the keys (override keys) and to just keep them. So we both decided that she just wanted to be a cashier last night. Well when it got busy I had to jump onto a register and help out. At that point I was running to get overrides, running the terminal, running the customer service desk, managing the whole store and doing lottery tickets. Next thing I know one of my cashiers is missing and I'm running around like an idiot. I'm frantically trying to find my cashier. Another cashier, N, tells me L sent her on a break. I went over and asked L if she sent S on a break, she said yes. I then told her that she needed to take the keys. I walked away trying to get my front end under control. Later I was doing drops for my pick-ups of money and I hear a bell being rung multiple times for an override. I come out and N is standing there looking for someone to do an override. L is just staring at him doing nothing. She then begins to walk toward the customer service desk to help someone. I walked up and said "forget it I got it, go to your register and stay there." That was fine. At 15 mins to 8 (her time off) she tells me she is taking a bathroom break, which would have been fine if she didn't take 10 mins and this is an everyday thing for her. She comes back takes 2 customers and shuts herself down to leave. I told her she needed to say and wait for P who is always 5 mins late due to another job. She told me no and walked out. I was so flippin mad I called the front end manager and got no answer, so I called the store manager. I told him that this was uncalled for. There was no reason for that. I told him after she did that poor S had a line that snaked around the front of the store. He says they are going to talk to her and tell her to either be a cashier or quit. Personally, I'll believe it when I see it. I don't need the job, I just like the extra cash. I refuse to work for a place that promotes that kind of behavior in their so called management team.

Tonight should be a fun night to work. We'll have to see if she can act like an adult or not. I seriously hope that our store manager has a nice talk with her today before the "I'm demoting you" speach he's waiting for the assistant store manager to come back from vacation for.

Other than that life is grand. My parents are suppose to come this weekend, but we aren't sure of they will since it's suppose to snow a few inches. I did already clean, and make food so it'll kind of tick me off if I spend all that money on food and it doesn't get eaten. What can you do though?

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